Beautiful skin requires commitment and care, not a miracle!

Are you trying the latest fad in skincare? Is your cabinet full of creams claiming instant miracles and great skin and yet delivering nothing? If all that has proven a disappointment and you still crave that smooth glowing skin, then read on.

Every skincare junkie wants one thing, and one thing only: clear, radiant, fantasy-flawless skin. All one needs to do is go beyond the basics…

No shortcuts to healthy skin
We have all heard the story of the hare and the tortoise, ever since kindergarten! We know that slow and steady always outwits quick and spontaneous. But we all fall prey to fads and trends promising the next-big ingredient that will provide a quick solution to all your skin problems. Shortcuts will only lead to short-term solutions.Beautiful, healthy glowing skin comes with patience and care. It starts from the inside out. You need to first nourish your skin with healthy, whole foods and hydrate it with water, then you work to establish a skincare routine for your specific type of skin and commit to it.

Taking care of your skin isn’t rocket science. On the contrary, it’s quite simple, easy and rewarding. Good skin care and healthy lifestyle choices can help delay the natural aging process and prevent various skin problems. The key to having good skin is using good products and staying committed at all times to looking after your skin. For, more than a skilled hand with make-up, glowing skin turns heads.

What is good skin care?

Good skin care starts with knowing your skin. Is your skin oily, normal or combination? Is it young and acne prone or mature and showing fine lines? Different skin needs different kinds of care and attention.How then, is one to manoeuvre through this maze of skin problems and skin care remedies? It’s all about consistency, and choosing the right products.

Few tips for your skin care essentials & routine?

When you make a habit of your skincare, your skin also gets used to the pampering. Keeping to a good skincare schedule will help your skin always stay clean and moisturized.Make yourself feel like an apothecary of yore and develop your own beauty ritual!

Face Wash:Cleansing using a face wash or cleanser suited to your needs will remove impurities and germs from your skin.

Toner:A toner will restore the skin its natural pH and prep the skin to receive all the goodness of the moisturizer that comes next.

Moisturizer:The moisturizer will, obviously, moisturize the skin and restore the water-proof barrier of the skin which protects the skin from microorganisms and pollution.

Sunscreen:Sunscreen is especially important to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun. So always add sunscreen to your beauty routine

The area around your eyes and your lips needs special attention as it is different from the rest of the face. Hydrate, tone and firm this sensitive area of your face through the application of an eye cream.

Lip balm helps to maintain soft and super smooth lips

Finally, you may also use face packs & masks regularly for skin detoxification, improving circulation and hydration.

Look for clarifying and matti-fying products if you have oily skin, look for oil-based, creamier products if your skin is dry. Look for light products if your skin is young and acne-prone whereas if you have wrinkles and fine-lines, look for products with anti-aging ingredients.

While most people know how to take care of their face, many others disregard complete body skin care. But guess what?! It is never too late to make your body skin healthier.

Daily showers are important for good hygiene. However, soaps or body washes loaded with chemicals, parabens and other dangerous hazardous substances may cause harm to your health.  Using natural body washes or soaps hydrate and nourish your skin. You can also use scrubs and exfoliators to get rid of all the dead skin, rejuvenate your body, and improve blood circulation.

Moisturize your skin daily after showering to prevent dryness, and help improve the overall skin appearance and texture. With body lotions and creams, you can increase your skin cells’ longevity and vitality. You can also use body oils for very dry chapped skin.

Don’t go neglecting your scalp and hair! Use shampoos and conditioners that can prevent scalp infection, dandruff, split ends and hair loss.

Finally, let us not forget to take care of our hands and feet. Cracked and dry skin on your hands or on your feet can be unaesthetic but also painful. The solution to this problem? Moisturize!

Perseverance and patience

Every morning and evening, you should devote some time to take care of your skin. 10 minutes is all you need. So be good to your skin, you will wear it everyday for the rest of your life.

Rediscover the beauty with you with Ultrasoft’s range of skincare & haircare products for all skin types.

Next time you think about beautiful things, don’t forget to count yourself in.

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